How Do You Peel a Banana?

The Reason for the Banana Question

A tropical treat
All About Bananas
Cooking banana
Peeling the Banana
Sweet Bananas
bananas Banana Boats
Our Banana Survey
Breakfast Banana Split
The Great Banana Revolution
Cooking with Plantains & Bananas
9 Ways to Peel a Banana
  11 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Bananas
Harry Belafonte - "Banana Boat Song (Day O)" - 1956
Louis Prima - Yes We Have No Bananas
Golden bananas high in pro-vitamin A developed
Medicinal Uses of Banana
Roasted Bananas with Brown Sugar-Walnut Glaze
Black Bottom Banana Cream Pie
Banana Nut Bread
Fried Ripe Plantains
Benefits and health risks of bananas
How many banana varieties are there?
  29 Mind-blowing Banana Facts That Will Make You Rethink Everything
What⏧s The Difference Between Bananas And Plantains?

All my Life I have been peeling bananas the same way and thought that it was naturally the only way to do it.  Recently my brother-in-law Ozzie, while watching me peel a banana, suggested a different way that he recently learned from his son Steven who is attending Elon College in North Carolina.

Steven told him that monkeys peel bananas from the bottom up as it was much easier to open that way.  I started using this new found technique and found it was really much easier to peel a banana.  I wanted to tell the world that just because we are used to doing a simple task, like this a specific way, there may be a simpler method that we would have never thought of.  So instead of just telling the world that there was a better way, I came up with the Survey and low and behold I found other ways to do the same task as well.  This is so Low Tech that it boggles our busy minds to even think of it. Maybe we need more Low Tech questions for mental exercise. Maybe the next Survey will be on toilet paper rolls, which way the paper comes off the roll.

revised 9 Dec 2017

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