The Crystal City Minyan

The Crystal City Minyan has been meeting for 26 years starting in Washington D.C. and then moved to Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia.  Men and Women are counted in our Minyan.

In recent years much of the Navy has moved out of Crystal City and with retirements it has been very difficult to get enough people for a Minyan. So please help us revive our 26 year tradition so we can provide for people for another 26 years.

Minyan always needed in Crystal City Weekdays, at 12:15 pm,  2111 Jefferson Davis Highway, Crystal Park apartments, north meeting room. Contact Marty Hoffman or Mitch Wasson at 703/415-0100 weekdays.

Torah Study with Rabbi Sholom B. Deitsch, every Wednesday at Noon, with the exception of Jewish and Federal Holidays.

Be a Mench and Help us make a Minyan


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