haruth communications

Anousim, Crypto, Conversos

17th Century Conversos in Amsterdam
500 Anniversary of the forced conversion of the Jews of Portugal
A Brief History of Crypto Jews of Spanish and Portuguese Descent
A Matter of Conjecture
A Special New Congregation in Brazil
Activism Rather than Prayer and Payoff
An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico Fact or Fraud?
An Ancient Heritage Comes Alive Again
Anusim, T'shuba, and Halakha
Articles About Crypto Jews
Bukharan Jews
Captain Barros Basto
Christian Rule, Inquisition and Expulsion of 1492
Converso Names
Conversos in Ecuador
Conversos Surfacing Among Southwest's Hispanics
Crypto Jews
Crypto-Jews in Portugal - A Clandestine Existence
Crypto Jews of the Southwest and New World
Dr. Hector Nunes, Merchant & Crypto-Jew in Elizabethan England 1547 -1591
Elizabethan Marranos Unmasked
El Paso Anousim
Family converts to orthodox Judaism
Finding our lost brothers and sisters: The Crypto Jews of Brazil
Frank Longoria
(HaMadrij: Guide to the Values and Practices of Modern Judaism)
High Holy Days Among Spanish Marranos
Honour our Portuguese Sephardic ancestors
How the Marranos Saved England
Institute For Marrano-Anusim Studies
Jewish Studies Program at the University of Beira, Portugal
Judaic Research Continues in Balearic Islands and Sao Tome
Judaism: Sephardim
Journal of Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Crypto-Jews
Lima, Peru
Looking for the Sephardic Roots The "Calle" Last Name
Marrano Diaspora
Meaning of the Word Morrano
Memorializing the Spanish Inquisition on Tisha B'av
Mexican Inquisition Documents
Mistaken Identity - The Case of New Mexico's Hidden Jews
Nahman Genealogy
My Crypto-Jewish Self
Passover with the Anussim
Poems by M. Miriam Herrera
Portal to a Portuguese Past
Rescue of the Portuguese Marranos
Return, by S L Gomes
Portuguese Sephardic History
Searching For Brazilian Marranos
Secrets from a Forgotten Past
Sephardim - Conversos - Marranos
Signs of Crypto-Jewish Heritage
Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies
Sonya A. Loya, Artisan/Educator
That Word Morrano
The Gomez Mill House
The Hidden Jews of New Mexico
The Renaissance of the B'nai Anousim
The Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies
The Story of My Newly Discovered Jewish Heritage
Was Columbus secretly a Jew?
Were Crypto Jews in Early New France Settlements?
Who are Crypto-Jews
Working With B'nei Anusim in Lisbon
revised 15 Adar 2, 5774 - March 17, 2014
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